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Split82=Split72 geometry dash


I like how puzzly this is, and how (unlike so many of these types of games) you are supposed to get ALL of them through, not sacrifice some along the way. I had a hard time with resetting the level when I didn't know what would be needed next (especially on the third puzzle) but otherwise had a good time with this. Well done :D

- ✨Beth

COOL! speedrun mode please

Short and sweet.

so cute and adorable game, I can watch forever how they staring my mouse. they are so ~~softy~~~~
please add your LD links, i wanna rate ur game ♥

Thank you :) Here is the link to LD entry.

Yay thank you!

just so you know, you can actually put the ldjam link into a field on your page since it's got the hashtag and it'll automatically add the link to the top of this page! This game is great and I wanna make sure you get all the votes you deserve!


Oh thanks! I didn't know I can do that.

nice game!

this is really cool!! thank you :))

it isn't working for me

It was cool to control! In the second level it was tough without lookahead because I kept guessing wrong whether to use a little guy or the big guy.

Nice game!)

Really good game, thanks! Challenging in a good way and very pleasant to control and watch

Only negative counters makes a bit of confusion. But it's almost negligible flaw 😅

Thanks! Negative counters were a last minute decision. Before it stopped at 0 and wasn’t good either. I will think about how to make it more clear.

Such a nice design <3